New Features

MaxCompute - Supports Adding Only Column IDs After the GROUP BY and ORDER BY Clauses in New Flags

Oct 28 2019

MaxCompute allows you to add only column IDs after the GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses in new flags. This delivers richer syntax to write SQL statements.

Target customers: Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute users. Feature Released: 1. In the set flagset hive.groupby.position.alias=true; statement, the integer constant in GROUP BY is processed as a column ID in the SELECT clause. Example: set hive.groupby.position.alias=true; select region, sum(total_price) from sale_detail group by 1; (Constant 1 indicates the first column in the SELECT clause, which is region.) 2. In the set flagset hive.orderby.position.alias=true; statement, the integer constant in ORDER BY is processed as a column ID in the SELECT clause. For example, if two BIGINT type columns that are named key and value are created in the src table, the SELECT * FROM src ORDER BY 2 limit 100; statement is equivalent to the SELECT * FROM src ORDER BY value limit 100 statement.

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