New Features

VPN Gateway (VPN) - VPN Gateway - BGP Dynamic Routing Released for Public Preview

VPN Gateway supports the dynamic routing feature of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). This feature helps to quickly connect on-premises data centers to Alibaba Cloud through multiple tunnels for disaster recovery.

Target customers: customers in the Internet, financial, and gaming sectors. They face the following challenges: 1. Route tables contain too many route entries. It takes great effort to connect on-premises data centers to the cloud. 2. They want to establish multiple tunnels for disaster recovery. Features released: BGP dynamic routing for VPN Gateway allows you to quickly connect on-premises data centers to Alibaba Cloud through IPsec-VPN connections. Routes are dynamically synchronized between the on-premises data centers and Alibaba Cloud. This reduces network maintenance costs and prevents user errors.

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Powered by Third-generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors (Ice Lake).

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