New Features

Image Search - Supports More Image Formats

Aug 21 2020

Image Search
Image Search now supports more image formats, sizes, and resolutions when you import images or search for images.

Target customers: Image Search users that require copyright protection or need to search for images of e-commerce merchandises, fabrics, specific subjects, or trademarks based on sample images. Features released: supports images up to 4 MB. Supported image formats: PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, WebP, TIFF, and PPM. When you search for images of merchandises, trademarks, or specific subjects based on sample images, the width and height of the sample image must be at least 100 pixels and at most 4,096 pixels. When you search for images of fabrics based on sample images, the width and height of the sample image must be at least 448 pixels and at most 4,096 pixels.

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