New Releases

Archive Database Available for Commercial Use

Jan 13 2021


Product Introduction: PolarDB Archive Database uses X-Engine as the default storage engine instead of InnoDB and allows you to reduce storage costs by up to 70%. It is applicable to services that do not have high requirements for computing but need to store archived data, such as DingTalk messages. PolarDB Archive Database is highly compatible with MySQL. The maximum storage capacity of each archive database is 200 TB. Target customers: all users who use MySQL databases. PolarDB Archive Database can be used to store cold data, such as self-managed databases and ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL databases. Features released: PolarDB now allows you to migrate or archive cold data from self-managed databases or ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL databases to archive databases. These self-managed databases include MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, and TiDB. Billing: computing and storage are separately billed.

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