New Features

Elastic High Performance Computing (E-HPC) - Alibaba Cloud ECS - E-HPC offers new cluster deployment options

E-HPC introduces the one-box deployment option with the HPC software stacks installed on one node.

Target customers: customers who need sudden small jobs and industrial simulation teaching practices Features released: E-HPC clusters offer flexible deployment options, including: 1. Compact: The logon and scheduling management nodes are deployed on one node and the computing nodes can be configured as needed. 2. One-box: The logon, scheduling management, and computing nodes are deployed on one ECS. The HPC software stacks are installed on one node to support sudden small jobs.

7th Gen ECS Is Now Available

Increase instance computing power by up to 40% and Fully equipped with TPM chips.
Powered by Third-generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors (Ice Lake).

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